


What electricity products do electricity traders offer?

Electricity traders usually offer an exchange price product with a trader’s mark-up when electricity is purchased at Nord Pool exchange prices in the Lithuanian area, changing hourly, and a fixed price for the entire term of the contract, including future price change risks.

Why should the electricity trader be changed?

When switching traders, it is possible to choose not only the best price offer, but also the most suitable product, service, payment and contract conditions.

How much would save by changing their electricity trader?

To calculate the savings, the difference between the mark-ups should be compared in the case of an exchange-traded product and the difference between the two fixed prices should be compared in the case of a fixed price. The next step is to multiply this difference by your annual consumption. Often, in the case of the fixed price, there is also an early termination fee, so when calculating the advantage of switching traders, the early termination fee of the existing trader must also be taken into account.

How to change an electricity trader?

You can switch your electricity trader by concluding a contract with the new trader by the 10th of each month, and the new trader will start supplying electricity from the 1st of the following month.

If I am a small business owner or household, can I change an electricity trader?

The trader can be changed by any company and household that has its own connection to the distribution system, as well as by tenants of the property, if the contract provides for such a possibility.

How is the price of electricity determined?

The price of electricity is determined by the payment for electricity, depending on which product is chosen, who the electricity trader is and when the contract was concluded. In addition, the customer pays the tariffs set by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for transmission, distribution system services, the mandatory procurement component (MPC) and VAT of 21%. Regulated tariffs will be the same for all traders.

What is considered an electricity contract?

An electricity contract is an agreement for the trade of electricity with a trader, which is signed electronically or in printed form. This contract specifies the price for electricity and the selected product, payment terms, early termination fee, if applicable, and stipulates whether the bill includes fees for transmission, distribution and mandatory procurement component, or whether the user himself pays the distribution system operator for these services.

What information do I need to change an electricity trader?

It is necessary to request a price offer from the specific trader and conclude a contract. The rest of the process will be provided by the new electricity trader.

How to compare electricity traders?

Electricity traders can be compared in terms of the prices of the products offered, the payment terms and the contract termination fees set, if any.

Do I need an electricity trader if solar panels are installed?

Electricity producers also need their own trader that performs balancing to transfer the remaining electricity to the grid or to purchase electricity at night when no solar energy is produced.

How can a smart meter help in everyday life?

The smart meter helps you keep track of your electricity consumption so that you, evaluating your habits and knowing the next day’s exchange prices for each hour, can adjust your consumption, thus reducing costs. This simplifies recording and accuracy, as there is no longer a human factor (error, forgetting to give the reading, etc.), while the consumption at specific hours for a particular user is accurately recorded.

What is green electricity?

Green electricity is produced from renewable resources (for example, sun, wind, water), thus protecting nature. If green electricity is purchased, the trader shall issue the relevant green electricity certificate and proof of its origin.

Natural gas

Can I change my natural gas supplier during the calendar year?

Yes, by choosing different suppliers offers on a quarterly or half-year basis you can make significant savings.

Can I change my natural gas trader if I have received natural gas from the previous natural gas monopolist so far?

At present, you can freely choose your natural gas trader in Lithuania. 2018, the natural gas market in Lithuania was fully opened to all users (all legal persons, including State and local government institutions, State and local government capital companies).

Why should a natural gas trader change be considered?

The open natural gas market not only provides an opportunity to receive natural gas at a lower price, but also allows you to choose the most suitable trader, which offers the most appropriate type of product, service and contract conditions.

How can I change the company's natural gas trader?

You can switch your natural gas trader until the 10th day of each month by concluding a contract with the trader of your choice. You will receive natural gas from the new trader on the 1st of the next month.

What information do I need to change the company's natural gas trader?

It is necessary to request a price offer from the specific trader and conclude a contract. The rest of the process will be provided by the new natural gas trader.

What happens if I change the company's natural gas trader?

The supply of natural gas, meters, distribution and transmission system operators will remain the same, the price of natural gas will change and a bill will be received from the new trader. The quality and safety of natural gas will be at the same level provided by the transmission system operator AB „Amber Grid“ and the distribution system operator AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” (ESO).

What is the rate of value added tax on natural gas?

Natural gas is subject to value added tax of 21%. Natural gas is also subject to excise duty depending on the purposes of natural gas consumption (see more about the purposes at the bottom of the page:

What factors affect the price of natural gas for a company?

The price of natural gas is influenced by the chosen product, the term of the contract, seasonality, that is demand, weather conditions and the general future prices of natural gas on exchanges (for example, Gaspool).

What is environmentally friendly natural gas?

The fuel of the future – biomethane, a renewable energy source, can also be used instead of natural gas; it consists of purified biogas. In terms of quality, biomethane is equivalent to natural gas. Biogas is produced by the fermentation of waste, animal waste and wastewater


Is CNG available in Lithuania?

In Lithuania there are 9 CNG stations. EU clearly supports and pushes member states for the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure. Elenger also intends to be part of the CNG development in Lithuania. Therefore in Lithuania CNG is not subject to excise duty.

What happens if the gas runs out and the gas station is far away?

Passenger cars running on gas are usually bivalent – using two fuels. If the gas runs out, you can continue driving with petrol – until the next gas fuelling station.

Are there restrictions on use of CNG cars?

There are no restrictions on the use of CNG cars. Compressed gas cars can be used the same way as petrol and diesel cars in garages, tunnels, on ferries, etc.

How far can you drive on one tank?

The car’s compressed gas tank capacity is usually 17–20 m3. Today’s middle-class bivalent passenger car consumes an average of 7-9 m3 of natural gas for 100 km, so gas can be used to travel for about 400 km; there is also the additional petrol reserve.

Is the maintenance of a CNG car more expensive?

Maintenance is comparable to petrol driven maintenance, as the additional gas supply system is practically maintenance-free.

Is a CNG car economical?

A car with a CNG engine is very economical. The savings per kilometer are about 50% lower for a medium-sized passenger car compared to petrol and 25% compared to a diesel car. Also in Lithuania CNG is not subject to excise duty.

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