Elenger triples gas supplies
Elenger group, the largest private energy company in the Baltic states and Finland, will more than triple its LNG supplies this year – compared to last year’s five LNG cargoes, the company will bring 16 shiploads of LNG to the region this year.

“One third of the LNG imports to the Baltic region and Finland come through Elenger – large volumes and direct contracts with the leading LNG suppliers allow us to offer our customers reliable and affordable supplies and increase our market share,” said Marius Kairys, Chairman of the Management Board of Elenger Lietuva.
“In less than a year, we made a complete turnaround to LNG of Western origin, the new supply routes from Norway and the United States were established and work well today, this has given the regional gas market more security and also helped bring down the price,“ Kairys noted.
“Heading towards the new heating season, our gas consumers can have peace of mind – European gas storages are full and there will be enough gas. Towards winter, the price of gas is expected to rise somewhat, but according to all assumptions, the upcoming winter will be easier for consumers than the previous one,” said Kairys.
Of the LNG deliveries ordered by Elenger group this year, four have come to Lithuania’s Klaipeda and eight to Finland’s Inkoo terminal. Until the end of the year, one more cargo to Klaipeda and three to Inkoo have been agreed. The company’s major supply partners are the international energy groups Vitol and Total and Equinor of Norwegian origin. Elenger was the first to start using the new Finnish Inkoo terminal.
Operating in five markets – Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland – Elenger grew last year to become the largest private energy company in the Baltic and Finland region. Elenger group offers its customers natural gas in the form of pipeline gas, compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) and manages the largest gas network in Estonia and Latvia. The company is actively engaged in international energy trade and develops a renewable energy portfolio in the form of solar energy and biomethane production and sales.