Elenger ordered an additional LNG cargo
In order to cover the increased gas demand, Elenger, the largest privately owned energy company in the Baltic-Finnish region, in cooperation with the global energy giant Total, brought an additional shipload of LNG from the United States to the Finnish Inkoo terminal last week.

“There are two reasons for this extra supply – the Elenger group has increased its market share in our region during turbulent times and, in general, the use of gas has increased. The originally planned ten cargoes until autumn were not going to be enough and it is possible that one more additional delivery will have to be made in the summer, besides the given additional cargo,” said Marius Kairys, CEO of Elenger Lietuva.
“As a private company, Elenger has been able to react and make decisions more quickly to meet the market needs, our direct contracts with gas suppliers have increased consumers’ interest and trust in us – we are one of the few in the region to buy and bring LNG ourselves, from the United States and Norway, this allows us to offer our customers a more favorable price and more reliable delivery,” Kairys reasoned.
Elenger share in the gas sales in the Baltic and Finnish region increased to 17.5 percent last year, the company has grown into the largest private energy company in the Baltic-Finnish region. In February of this year, the company announced its expansion to the Polish market. Last year, Elenger procured five large shiploads of gas for its customers, this year five deliveries have been made in four months.
Elenger offers customers natural gas in the form of pipeline gas, compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). The company is actively developing a renewable energy portfolio in the form of solar energy and biomethane production and sales.
Elenger operates in Finland, the Baltic states and Poland. The group has a total of 50,000 customers. Elenger is the largest privately owned energy company in the Finnish-Baltic region. In native market Estonia the company carries the Eesti Gaas brand name.